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The Full Story


Our history for The Fantasy Wrestling

2022 Results
  1. Strickler
  2. Faustman
  3. Olson
  4. Dorenzo
  5. Kuzinski
  6. Holtz
  7. Champine
  8. Abbey
  9. Cheney
  10. Whitman
  11. Christian
2021 Results
  1. Faustman
  2. Cheney
  3. Champine
  4. Kuzinski
  5. Christian
  6. Holtz
  7. Dorenzo
  8. Abbey
  9. Strickler
  10. Whitman
2019 Results
  1. Whitman
  2. Olson
  3. Kuzinski
  4. Holtz
  5. Faustman
  6. Cheney
  7. Strickler
  8. Dorenzo
  9. Abbey
2018 Results
  1. Holtz
  2. Strickler
  3. Bush
  4. Cheney
  5. Whitman
  6. Phifer
  7. Abbey
  8. Kuzinski
  9. Olson
  10. Faustman
  11. Dorenzo
2017 Results
  1. Olson
  2. Kuzinski
  3. Strickler
  4. Cheney
  5. Whitman
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